How Did an American Military Christian Become Muslim

How Did an American Military Christian Become Muslim?

Have a good time with this video from the DeenShow Channel and enjoy hearing the story of the c ...

How Did a Former Islamophobe EDL Member Convert to Islam?

How Did a Former Islamophobe EDL Member Convert to Islam?

Did Kris believe in the trinity? What did Kris ask the Pope about? Did the Pope answer Kris' qu ...

How Did Aishah Schwartz Find Her Way to Islam?

How Did Aishah Schwartz Find Her Way to Islam?

Watch the Shahadah story of Aishah Schwartz as given in a talk at the 4th Annual NEMA (Native E ...

How Did Suhaib Webb Convert to Islam?

How Did Suhaib Webb Convert to Islam?

Can God be a man? Can God have a son? Who is Allah? What is so special about Islam? Watch ...

Famous Irish Singer, Sinead O’Connor, Converts to Islam

Famous Irish Singer, Sinead O’Connor, Converts to Islam

Sinead O’Connor: “This is to announce that I am proud to have become a Muslim. This is the natu ...

Bishop Micha reverts to Islam

Bishop Micha Reverts to Islam

Bishop Micha reverts to Islam Ex-Bishop Micha was diagnosed with cancer. Whilst in hospital he ...

How the Media Made Damian Convert to Islam?

How the Media Made Damian Convert to Islam?

Enjoy watching this video about the story of a Damian who was captured by the mass media that d ...

My Journey from the Baptist Church to the Mosque

My Journey from the Baptist Church to the Mosque

Watch brother Mustapha who talks about his journey with both Islam and the church and the facts ...

Wilhelm Ott, Accepts Islam in Coronavirus Lockdown

Professional MMA Fighter, Wilhelm Ott, Accepts Islam in Coronavirus Lockdown

Wilhelm Ott is a professional MMA fighter from Austria. has converted to Islam in Coronavirus ( ...

My Journey to Islam Muhammad Ali Led me to Islam

My Journey to Islam: Muhammad Ali Led me to Islam

Yahya, a 46-year old Filipino, has embraced Islam since he was 27.  His family belongs to the C ...