Islam and Evolution

Islam and Evolution

If evolution is not scientific, then what is it? It seems to me that it is a human interpretati ...

human rights in Islam

Human Rights in Islam (2/2)

The article summarizes the elements of human rights in light of Islam as shown by the Glorious ...

the prophet

Biography of Prophet Muhammad (1/3)

Allah Almighty protected him from the evils of the Arab way of life such as drinking alcohol, f ...

Muhammad: Allah’s Mercy for All (Part 1/2)

He taught humanity how to live in the most productive and meaningful way. He taught that humans ...

Monotheism: The Essence of Judaism

Monotheism: The Essence of Judaism

Orthodox Judaism defines a Jew as one born of a Jewish mother or one, independent of bloodline, ...

Six Beliefs of Muslims Tell Me About Them

Six Beliefs of Muslims: Tell Me About Them

Who is God? Is God One or more? Why should we belive in God? Is idol worship logical? Why do so ...

Hajj: Step by Step

Step by Step Guide to Hajj

Huda TV presents a step by step guide on how to perform Hajj following the footsteps of the Pro ...

Muhammad Allah’s Mercy for All (Part 22)

Muhammad: Allah’s Mercy for All (Part 2/2)

The Prophet was even merciful and compassionate when in war. He commanded his companions, "Do n ...

islam and peace

On Islam and Violence

There are still wrongful accusations launched against the civilizational image of Islam, notabl ...

What Are the Essentials of Islam (Part 2)

What Are the Essentials of Islam? (Part 2)

Among the essentials of Islam is that man is the most complete manifestation of the attributes ...

Islam in Women not Women in Islam

In spite of the great propaganda about the status of women in Islam, the rate of women embracin ...

What Is Islam and Who Are the Muslims?

What Is Islam and Who Are the Muslims?

Islam in general is the submission to the Will of God, through the teachings of Prophets whom H ...

Dialogue between a Believer and an Atheist on Why We Need Religion?

Dialogue between a Believer and an Atheist on Why We Need Religion

Why do atheist people swear by God during speech? Watch this short dialogue between a believer ...

Prophet Mohamed

Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (3/3)

When asked by some of companions "How was the character of the Prophet?" `A’isha said, "His cha ...

Prophet Mohamed

Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (2/3)

The Makkan period revelations consisted of defining true monotheism, correcting the peoples cor ...