The Role the Jews during the Early Days of Islam

The Role the Jews during the Early Days of Islam

The article relates a part of the conspiracies of the Jews against the Prophet Muhammad during ...

Monotheism: The Essence of Christianity

Monotheism: The Essence of Christianity

Should we associate the label of Christianity with the doctrines of original sin, the Deity of ...

Your First Steps in Islam Belief in the Books of Allah

Your First Steps in Islam: Belief in the Books of Allah

Originally posted 2019-11-16 19:24:32. One must believe that Allah revealed Heavenly Books to H ...

Between Hadith and Sunnah2

Between Hadith and Sunnah

What does the word Hadith mean, and what’s the difference between Hadith and Sunnah? Where do I ...

Social Values in the Message of Prophet Muhammad: Moderation

Social Values in the Message of Prophet Muhammad: Moderation

Originally posted 2019-11-12 20:27:57. By Prof. Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Alsoheem What Is Moderati ...

The Spirit of Islam: Perfection, the Islamic Ideal

The Spirit of Islam: Perfection, the Islamic Ideal

Of all religious systems, Islam alone declares that individual perfection is possible in our ea ...

the prophet

Biography of Prophet Muhammad (1/3)

Allah Almighty protected him from the evils of the Arab way of life such as drinking alcohol, f ...

Prophet Muhammad A Role Model of Humbleness

Prophet Muhammad: A Role Model of Humbleness

In the following lines we will cite some examples of the Prophet's humbleness and how he showed ...

Muhammad: Allah’s Mercy for All (Part 1/2)

He taught humanity how to live in the most productive and meaningful way. He taught that humans ...

Who Is Muhammad? (Part 5) Society Building

Who Is Muhammad? (Part 5) Society Building

Originally posted 2019-11-03 22:41:17. By Khurram Murad Society Building Throughout those years ...

The Spirit of Islam: The Islamic Approach

The Islamic Approach: This fundamental position is common to all great religions, whatever thei ...

The Truth about Prophet Muhammad

The Truth about Prophet Muhammad

The truth about the life of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is probably one of the greatest untold ...

What Is the Importance of Tawhid?

What Is the Importance of Tawhid?

Whoever is free from the major and minor acts of Shirk and keeps away from major sins, such wil ...

Islam and Natural Resource:s Water and Air

Islam and Natural Resources: Water and Air

What does the Creator of the universe tell us about the universe and what does the universe tel ...

Creation of the Universe in the Quran

Creation of the Universe in the Quran

Originally posted 2019-10-26 00:46:24. By Haya Muhammad Eid  The descriptions of creation of th ...