How Did an Estonian Modest Fashion Blogger Embrace Islam?

How Did, Eslimah, an Estonian Modest Fashion Blogger, Embrace Islam?

In the following lines, sister Eslimah explains who she embraced Islam and her reflections on t ...

Will Coronavirus Cancel Ramadan Fasting?

Will Coronavirus Cancel Ramadan Fasting?

Is it permissible for a healthy person to not fast Ramadan this year so he can drink plenty of ...

How Muslims Get Prepared for Ramadan

How Muslims Get Prepared for Ramadan

Ramadan is the season of goodness, blessings; a time in which rewards are multiplied and heart ...

Is Giving Zakah to Islamic Centers During Coronavirus Pandemic Allowed?

What is the Islamic rule regarding giving Zakah to mosques and Islamic centers in Europe before ...

Offering Congregational Rituals to Stop Coronavirus: OK?

Offering Congregational Rituals to Stop Coronavirus (COVID-19): OK?

On social media, there are a number of calls inviting people to perform a given act of worship ...

Changing the Qiblah A Test for the Believers

Changing the Qiblah: A Test for the Believers

If a certain hardship or test is meant to reflect Allah's wisdom and purpose, passing such a te ...

Changing the Qiblah: From Sanctification of Space to Sanctification of the Lord of Space

Changing the Qiblah: From Sanctification of Space to Sanctification of the Lord of Space

Changing the Qiblah was intended as the abolition of the sanctity of space whatever it may be a ...

Prophet Muhammad’s Guidance for the Prevention of Coronavirus

Prophet Muhammad gave us guidance that ensures clean, happy life, as well as protection from di ...

What's the Road to Survival in the Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic?

What’s the Road to Survival in the Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic?

What does Islam teach about protection from Coronavirus? What does Islam teach about personal h ...

What's the Role of Religion When Dealing with Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

What’s the Role of Religion When Dealing with Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

What is the role of religion in relation to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its reperc ...

Is Coronavirus (COVID-19) a Punishment from Allah

Is Coronavirus (COVID-19) a Punishment from Allah?

Question: Are the viruses such as Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the catastrophes a punishment from ...

Is Using Alcoholic Drinks as Disinfectants Permissible to Avoid Coronavirus?

Is Using Alcoholic Drinks as Disinfectants Permissible to Avoid Coronavirus?

In the light of the recent spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), is it allowed to use wine or alcoh ...