Can Muslims Postpone Fasting Ramadan to Avoid Coronavirus?

Can Muslims Postpone Fasting Ramadan to Avoid Coronavirus?

Is it permissible to postpone fasting during Ramadan this year and when one is safe from Corona ...

Step by Step Guide to Prayer

A Beginners Guide to Prayer in Islam (Watch)

Prayer is one of the main and most important pillars in Islam. It is a connection between a per ...

The Fourth Pillar of Islam: Fasting

By Editorial Satff Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam. Fasting purifies a Muslim’s bod ...

Fasting: The Fourth Pillar of Islam2

Fasting: The Fourth Pillar of Islam

The article sheds light on fasting in Islam as well as other religions and stresses its importa ...

Can We Say "Ramadan Kareem" to Celebrate the Beginning of Ramadan?

Can We Say “Ramadan Kareem” to Celebrate the Beginning of Ramadan?

Can we say "Ramadan Kareem" to celebrate the beginning of Ramadan? The prominent Saudi Islamic ...

Tarawih Prayer and Coronavirus: What's the Deal?

Tarawih Prayer and Coronavirus: What’s the Deal?

What is the ruling concerning Tarawih prayers in the midst of the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic ...

Ramadan's first night does deserve a special program and due attention

Ramadan’s First Night: Open the Gates of Blessings

What virtues does the first night of Ramadan have? At whom will Allah look in that blessed nigh ...

15+ Hadiths on Ramadan and Fasting

Fasting (sawm) is the fourth pillar of Islam. Fasting is prescribed on Muslims as it was prescr ...

Fasting, Materialism and Time Management

Fasting, Materialism and Time Management

Enjoy watching this video by Imam Suhaib Webb offering Ramadan advice to Zaytuna Summer Arabic ...

Is Coronavirus a Sign of the End Times?

Is Coronavirus a Sign of the End Times?

The world is witnessing some tough times these days, with the appearance of the Coronavirus (CO ...

Fiqh Council of North America’s Statement on Ramadan Fasting during Coronavirus Pandemic

With the approach of Ramadan, what is the ruling of Ramadan fasting during Coronavirus pandemic ...

Wilhelm Ott, Accepts Islam in Coronavirus Lockdown

Professional MMA Fighter, Wilhelm Ott, Accepts Islam in Coronavirus Lockdown

Wilhelm Ott is a professional MMA fighter from Austria. has converted to Islam in Coronavirus ( ...

Can Muslim Medical Professionals Be Exempt from Fasting to Treat Coronavirus Patients?

Can Muslim Medical Professionals Be Exempt from Fasting to Treat Coronavirus Patients?

Question: Can Muslim medical professionals be exempt from fasting if fasting could potentially ...

How Early Muslims Dealt with Ramadan-

How Early Muslims Dealt with Ramadan

The article shows us how early Muslims dealt with Ramadan which inspires us to create optimisti ...

Is Cremating the Body of Someone Who Died From Coronavirus Permissible?

What is the ruling of cremating the bodies of Muslims who have died as a result of Coronavirus ...