The Holy Trinity between the Sacred Texts and the Nicene Creed

The Holy Trinity between the Sacred Texts and the Nicene Creed (Watch)

Originally posted 2020-01-24 01:12:39. By Editorial Staff While the Holy Trinity underlies the ...

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad Three Men, One Mission (Part 37)

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission (Part 3/7)

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission: Pharaoh arranged for a magnificent public event ...

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission (Part 1/7)

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission (Part 1/7)

The three Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, continue to influence world events ...

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad Three Men, One Mission (27)

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission (Part 2/7)

Moses is usually seen as the liberator as well as the law-giver for the Israelites. However, li ...

Monotheism: The Essence of Christianity

Monotheism: The Essence of Christianity

Should we associate the label of Christianity with the doctrines of original sin, the Deity of ...

Monotheism: The Essence of Judaism

Monotheism: The Essence of Judaism

Orthodox Judaism defines a Jew as one born of a Jewish mother or one, independent of bloodline, ...

What Are the Essentials of Islam (Part 2)

What Are the Essentials of Islam? (Part 2)

Among the essentials of Islam is that man is the most complete manifestation of the attributes ...

What Is Islam and Who Are the Muslims?

What Is Islam and Who Are the Muslims?

Islam in general is the submission to the Will of God, through the teachings of Prophets whom H ...

Jewish-Muslim Relations: The Qur’anic View (5/5)

Jewish-Muslim Relations: The Qur’anic View (5/5)

The author explains whether the Qur’an abrogates the Scriptures and teachings of the Religions ...

Jesus and Muhammad

A Comparison between Jesus and Muhammad

The Qur’an gives the name as Ahmad, one of several ways to say Muhammad's name. Just as we have ...


The Message of False Religions

The article shows how paganism is the message of all the false religions whereas Islam is the o ...

The Divine Scriptures

What are the divine scriptures mentioned in the Qur’an? Does a Muslim have to believe in divine ...

How Was the Qur’an Kept Undistorted (2/2)

How did Allah protect the Qur’an against distortion? Why are Muslims keen to recite and memoriz ...

The Descent of Jesus before the End Time

The Prophet `Isa will descend at the time when Muslims are experiencing greatest hardships. He ...

The Miraculous Nature of the Qur’an

The Miraculous Nature of the Qur’an

What is meant by the miraculous nature of the Qur’an? How is the Qur’an different from other di ...