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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
The Prophet Moses and Magicians (Part 7)

The magicians began that day as disbelievers, corrupt and interested only in riches and fame; h ...

Moses’ First Mission As a Prophet (Part 6)

What was God’s first command to Moses? What did Moses ask God in order to accomplish his missio ...

Prophet Moses in a Strange land (Part 4)

Extremely exhausted, fearful and alone in a strange land, what did Moses do? And to whom did he ...

Fearful, Confused, Moses Flees Egypt (Part 3)

How did being a forthright man, who believed in speaking his mind, standing up for the weaker, ...

The Story of Prophet Ibrahim

Watch this video by Muiz Bukhary who narrates story of Prophet Ibrahim with his people. The sto ...

Mary: The Honored Mother in Islam

What does Islam say about Mary, the mother of Jesus? How is she honored? Why does she have such ...

Prophet Moses: God’s Perfect Plan (Part 2)

How was Moses born? What were God’s plans for him? How did he reach Pharaoh’s palace? ...

Islam Is the Religion of All Prophets

Muslims believe that Islam is not a new religion. They believe that Islam is a continuation of ...

Tawakkul in the Life of Prophets

In this article, we are going to narrate some situations in the life of the Prophets which refl ...

Who Is Jesus According to Jesus? (E-BooK)

As a matter of fact, numerous beliefs are held about Jesus, the truth about whom is considered ...

Who Wrote the Bible? (E-Book)

The book refutes the Church’s claims about the four Gospels and their attribution to the discip ...

Dialogue Between God and Jesus

The people at the time of Jesus lied about God and took Jesus as God or son of God. On the Day ...

The Story of Prophet Noah

Who Is Noah (Nuh)? What Did Noah's People Worship? Why Did God Send Noah? How Did Noah's People ...

Your First Steps in Islam: Belief in Allah’s Messengers

What does the belief in Allah's messengers mean? What are the benefits of belief in Allah's me ...

John Fountain: Former Catholic Explains the Real Message of Jesus Christ

Enjoy watching this video from the Deen Show in which an ex-Catholic relates how he converted t ...