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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Hurricane Sandy from an Islamic Perspective

Disasters like hurricane Sandy are not merely a freak of nature. It tells much about God’s will ...

Islamic Law in Protecting Environment

Is protecting the environment a religious obligation in Islam? Is there something in Islamic la ...

Environment and Its Elements in the Quran

The article shows how the Qur'an considers environment and its Elements, such as water, mountai ...

Does Islam Care for the the Environment?

The E-Da`wah Committee presents this video which shows the position of Islam regarding Environm ...

Islam and Natural Resources: Water and Air

What does the Creator of the universe tell us about the universe and what does the universe tel ...

What Islam Offers the Earth?

God created man to live in harmony with other aspects of His creation not to waste or misuse th ...

Why Muslims Don’t Eat Pork?

Originally posted 2019-04-05 20:21:14. By Editorial Staff Why does Islam prohibit Muslims from ...

Rights of Plants and Animals in Islam

There is no denying the importance of plants and animals as living resources of enormous benefi ...

Agriculture in Islamic Civilization: A Green Revolution in Pre-Modern Times

The article sheds light on the historical agricultural contribution of Muslims so early before ...

What Are the Lessons to Be Learned from Today World?

Enjoy watching this video by Dr. Quick as he talks about the lessons to be learned from the tod ...

Kindness to Animals

The Prophet told us of a woman who kept a cat and did not feed or gave water to it until it pas ...

Islam: A Faith, Worship and Way of Life

The article shows how Islam is not restricted to some limited beliefs or acts of worship, but i ...