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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Islam, Democracy and Worldly Systems

Throughout the ages, we’ve heard the resonant principles of freedom and democracy as fundamenta ...

An Introduction to Democracy in Islam

Linguistically, democracy means a code of rule where the free will of the majority rules withou ...

Consultation in Islam

The principle of consultation is a much related issue to the topic of democracy. There are many ...

On the Concepts of Shura and Democracy

The writer explains how Shura was practiced in the most serious issue, namely, the sovereign po ...

Islam: No Place to Immunity

In Islam neither wealth, nor property or position can be taken into consideration in judging pe ...

Enforcement of Shura in the Islamic Ruling System

The writer explains how Shura was practiced in the most serious issue, namely, the sovereign po ...

The Difference between Shura and Democracy

The article makes a comparison between the main principles and sources of Shura and democracy, ...