Are we free to choose with our sense and reason or is it all confined to the will of the Creato ...
Form all God’s servants, there’re chosen ones, and from those chosen there’re those who deserve ...
Throughout the ages, we’ve heard the resonant principles of freedom and democracy as fundamenta ...
Disasters like hurricane Sandy are not merely a freak of nature. It tells much about God’s will ...
Watch this video by Dr. Zakir Naik to know the answer to the question: Why does Islam permit no ...
Originally posted 2020-06-24 00:06:35. Among the most popular terms in our world today is ̶ ...
The material model detached from religion has not succeeded and will never succeed in overcomin ...
How Does Islam Fight Slavery?: The principle that human beings are born free and that slavery i ...
The article shows how Islam put an end to slavery and eliminated it gradually and without resor ...
Islam condemns racism in all shades and forms; hence there is no room whatsoever in Islam for s ...
The article explains that Islam has combined between the objectives of spreading freedom and pr ...
Is protecting the environment a religious obligation in Islam? Is there something in Islamic la ...
The article shows how the Qur'an considers environment and its Elements, such as water, mountai ...
The E-Da`wah Committee presents this video which shows the position of Islam regarding Environm ...
The article talks about the Islamic concept of human rights and how it made the Muslim communit ...