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Islamic Beliefs: Essentials of Faith in Allah

The article sheds light on Iman or faith in Almighty Allah and shows its importance and standin ...

Belief in Divine Destiny in Islam

Everything which occurred in the past, is occurring in the present, and will occur in the futur ...

What Does “God” Mean in Islamic Creed?

God is not only willing and powerful, He is also Just in that He does not punish a sinner for m ...

Believers and Best Types of Worship

The status of worship in your heart and your dedication to it shows what a kind of believer you ...

How Can You Have Sound Belief in Allah?

The True God is the One Whom all hearts worship and for Whom they are full of love, to the excl ...

Get Aboard the Ark of Noah

If you find yourself perplexed and confused, go back to the Qur’an, the glorious book of God, a ...

Proofs for Allah’s Right of Worship

God, the Most Merciful and Compassionate, will not hold him to account or punish him for follow ...

The Meaning of Life

Who is the creator of the universe, ask yourself? If he is not man, then who is he? Is there an ...

Islamic Beliefs: The Concept of God’s Existence

The article discusses the concept of the Existence of Allah, its evidence and the fruits of bel ...

Who is God?

No doubt that there are many theories that interpret the existence of the universe such as the ...

The Divine Scriptures

What are the divine scriptures mentioned in the Qur’an? Does a Muslim have to believe in divine ...

How Was the Qur’an Kept Undistorted (2/2)

How did Allah protect the Qur’an against distortion? Why are Muslims keen to recite and memoriz ...

The Descent of Jesus before the End Time

The Prophet `Isa will descend at the time when Muslims are experiencing greatest hardships. He ...

Abu Bakr: The Man & Wise Leader (Part 2)

How did Abu Bakr become the first caliph? What kind of leader was he? What does make a legacy o ...

Ascending the Stairs of Faith (Part 1)

How is your heart and mind attached to God? Are you one of those taking faith for granted? Are ...