What does Islam say about charity? What the giver is given for it? How about the prophet’s givi ...
In light of the current pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the limited donations received b ...
The article talks about the rulings related to Zakat Al-Fitr including its conditions, time of ...
Is it permissible to pay zakat al-fitr in the beginning of Ramadan to help Coronavirus-afflicte ...
In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19, what is the Islamic rule regarding paying the zakah of w ...
What is the Islamic rule regarding giving Zakah to mosques and Islamic centers in Europe before ...
What is the linguistic meaning of zakah? What is the significance of zakah in Islam? Who sho ...
The article sheds light on the spiritual, worldly and social manifestations of Zakah in Islam a ...
Enjoy watching this video by Sheikh Mufti Menk as he talks about the concept of charity in Isla ...