We abstain from food, drink, and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset for the sake of God and ...
Researchers at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore have found evidence that fasting fo ...
The article talks about the significance and status of Prayer in Islam and what it means for a ...
How do we, Muslims, worship God, and why? How do the acts of worship translate our relationship ...
In the Islamic system, each and every human act can be transformed into an act of worship. In f ...
The status of worship in your heart and your dedication to it shows what a kind of believer you ...
God, the Most Merciful and Compassionate, will not hold him to account or punish him for follow ...
In everyday life we see that society consists of many different kinds of people, all of whom ex ...
The article talks about Udhiyah, its rulings, conditions, the best of Udhiyas and the ruling pe ...
Below is a live streaming from Makkah where Muslims perform the rituals of this special event a ...
How should Muslims offer the Eid prayer in light of the COVID-19 lockdown? ...
What is the ruling regarding performing Eid prayer at home due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandem ...
In light of the COVID-19 lockdown, how should Muslims offer the Eid prayer? Shedding more light ...
`Eid Al-Adha is the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah, the last month of the Hijri or Islamic calendar. ...
On no other day does the Satan feel so belittled, humiliated, and angry as he does on the Day o ...