What do Muslims believe about trials and disasters? What do Muslims say when they are afflicted ...
he longest fast times around the world in Ramadan 2018 at Greenland, Russia and UK. Ramadan may ...
How did this young Swedish goalkeeper became Muslim? What difficulties have she come through? H ...
Bishop Micha reverts to Islam Ex-Bishop Micha was diagnosed with cancer. Whilst in hospital he ...
Maryam was raised in a Christian family and she was taught to hate Islam and Muslims.She had do ...
If we say that sins are dangerous, then belittling sins and taking them lightly is more dangero ...
In Islam neither wealth, nor property or position can be taken into consideration in judging pe ...
How do we, Muslims, worship God, and why? How do the acts of worship translate our relationship ...
Science has recently uncovered that there is a protective barrier between the Earth and the sky ...
The Qur'an has many stories about previous Prophets and their peoples. Some of these stories ha ...
Allah is most perfectly Just. He has given us a chance to make our lives full of purpose during ...
Al-Battani's reputation as a premier mathematician and astronomer has reached far beyond the Is ...
Despite the pure nature man is born in, could they find God on their own? How could man be devi ...
How should Muslims offer the Eid prayer in light of the COVID-19 lockdown? ...
What is the ruling regarding performing Eid prayer at home due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandem ...