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All About Itikaf in the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

All About Itikaf in the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

What is the meaning of itikaf? What are the nullifiers of Itikaf? What is the importance of Iti ...

Can Muslims Observe Itikaf at Home to Avoid Coronavirus?

Can Muslims Observe Itikaf at Home to Avoid Coronavirus?

Question: In light of the wide spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the closing of places of wo ...

Interpretation of Surat Al-Qadr

Interpretation of Surat Al-Qadr

In this video, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan teaches us the nuances of the phrase “Laylat al-Qadr” in ...

What Are the Signs of Laylatul-Qadr?

What Are the Signs of Laylatul-Qadr?

What is Laylat Al-Qadr? What are the signs of Laylat al-Qadr?Watch this video by sister Aliza K ...

Is It Permissible to Pay Zakah to Hospitals and Old People’ Homes?

Is It Permissible to Pay Zakah to Hospitals and Old People’ Homes?

In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19, what is the Islamic rule regarding paying the zakah of w ...

Ramadan: The Month of Mercy

Ramadan: The Month of Mercy

Ramadan is the month of Mercy, when God sends His mercy and compassion upon His servants. When ...

What Is the Correct Time to Stop Eating Sahur?

What Is the Correct Time to Stop Eating Sahur?

Question: When does one stop eating during sahur (pre-dawn meal)? When does one start eating af ...

Funeral Prayer for Absent Deceased Through Live Broadcast to Avoid Coronavirus: Valid?

Funeral Prayer for Absent Deceased Through Live Broadcast to Avoid Coronavirus: Valid?

What is the Islamic rule regarding holding funeral prayer for an absent deceased led by an Imam ...

Can Muslims Postpone Fasting Ramadan to Avoid Coronavirus?

Can Muslims Postpone Fasting Ramadan to Avoid Coronavirus?

Is it permissible to postpone fasting during Ramadan this year and when one is safe from Corona ...

The Fourth Pillar of Islam: Fasting

The Fourth Pillar of Islam: Fasting

By Editorial Satff Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam. Fasting purifies a Muslim’s bod ...

Can We Say “Ramadan Kareem” to Celebrate the Beginning of Ramadan?

Can We Say “Ramadan Kareem” to Celebrate the Beginning of Ramadan?

Can we say "Ramadan Kareem" to celebrate the beginning of Ramadan? The prominent Saudi Islamic ...

Tarawih Prayer and Coronavirus: What’s the Deal?

Tarawih Prayer and Coronavirus: What’s the Deal?

What is the ruling concerning Tarawih prayers in the midst of the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic ...

15+ Hadiths on Ramadan and Fasting

15+ Hadiths on Ramadan and Fasting

Fasting (sawm) is the fourth pillar of Islam. Fasting is prescribed on Muslims as it was prescr ...

Is Coronavirus a Sign of the End Times?

Is Coronavirus a Sign of the End Times?

The world is witnessing some tough times these days, with the appearance of the Coronavirus (CO ...

Fiqh Council of North America’s Statement on Ramadan Fasting during Coronavirus Pandemic

Fiqh Council of North America’s Statement on Ramadan Fasting during Coronavirus Pandemic

With the approach of Ramadan, what is the ruling of Ramadan fasting during Coronavirus pandemic ...