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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Was Islam Spread by the Sword?

Was Islam Spread by the Sword?

The question "Was Islam Spread by The Sword?" was answered by Dr. Zakir Naik in the following p ...

Women and Inheritance Law in Islam

Women and Inheritance Law in Islam

Under Islamic law, why is a woman’s share of the inherited wealth only half that of a man? Can ...

Does Islam Instruct Men to Beat Women?

Does Islam Instruct Men to Beat Women?

Does Islam instruct men to beat women? Watch this short video to know the answer to this misco ...

Can Muslim Women Initiate Divorce?

Can Muslim Women Initiate Divorce?

By Editorial Staff Can Muslim Women Initiate Divorce? This is another misrepresentation  about ...

What Is Islam and Who Are the Muslims?

What Is Islam and Who Are the Muslims?

Islam in general is the submission to the Will of God, through the teachings of Prophets whom H ...

What Are the Essentials of Islam? (Part 1)

What Are the Essentials of Islam? (Part 1)

Islam is an Arabic word. It means the act of resignation to God. The root word is SLM, pronounc ...

Who Is Muhammad?(Part 4) Attacks by the Makkans

Who Is Muhammad?(Part 4) Attacks by the Makkans

The Makkans who had earlier planned to kill the Prophet, were now determined to annihilate this ...

Dialogue between a Believer and an Atheist on Why We Need Religion

Dialogue between a Believer and an Atheist on Why We Need Religion

Why do atheist people swear by God during speech? Watch this short dialogue between a believer ...

Who Is God?

Who Is God?

Who is Allah? Is Allah the same God of the Bible? Or Is Allah a different God? Is Allah the sam ...

What to Do After the Shahadatayn: Ghusl, Wudu, and Tayammum

What to Do After the Shahadatayn: Ghusl, Wudu, and Tayammum

After pronouncing the Shahadatayn, it is from the Sunnah that a person takes a complete bath (g ...

Rights of Plants and Animals in Islam

Rights of Plants and Animals in Islam

There is no denying the importance of plants and animals as living resources of enormous benefi ...

The Third Pillar of Islam: Zakah

The Third Pillar of Islam: Zakah

What is the linguistic meaning of zakah? What is the significance of zakah in Islam? Who sho ...

The Second Pillar of Islam: The Prayer

The Second Pillar of Islam: The Prayer

prayers should Muslims offer every day? What are the conditions of prayer? How Watch this short ...

Do Animals Have Rights in Islam?

Do Animals Have Rights in Islam?

In this clip, we offer an aspect of the Ihsan (excellency) that Islam has enjoined in terms of ...

Your First Steps in Islam: Belief in Qada and Qadar

Your First Steps in Islam: Belief in Qada and Qadar

What Is the Meaning of Qada and Qadar? What Does It Mean to Believe in Qada and Qadar? What Are ...