Are we allowed to commit suicide? What is the take of Islam on suicide? How did Islam prevent s ...
I am not going to give a detailed account of the events of the Prophet’s Hijrah to Madinah. I a ...
Tawakkul (putting your trust in God) along with observing worldly material means is the compone ...
Dr. Zakir Naik answers the following questions: What was the status of women before Islam? What ...
That’s why only Islamic values and morals, teachings and safeguards, are worthy of mankind. In ...
Linguistically, democracy means a code of rule where the free will of the majority rules withou ...
In this episode "Forms of Shirk (Polytheism)", Dr. Jamal Badawi answers the following questions ...
Can God be a man? Can God have a son? Who is Allah? What is so special about Islam? Watch ...
Muslims who had the financial and physical ability to perform the obligation of hajj (pilgrimag ...
In this episode "Analysis of Creedal Formula", Dr. Jamal Badawi answers the following questions ...
How does man with his limited capabilities come to know God? To be specific, we are concerned w ...
Now, dear human, think for yourself. Will you break through the difficult road by believing in ...
Originally posted 2019-08-02 11:25:32. By Dr. Mohsen Haredy Worship in Islam is not about secre ...
In this short video, Dr. Zakir Naik explains the reason why men and women pray together in Hajj ...
What is Hajj (pilgrimage)? Who should perform Hajj? Watch this video by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf to k ...